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AHPGS accredits EDU’s Bachelor and Master of Medicine
Last week, EDU received the official international programme accreditations by the German Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences (AHPGS) for our Bachelor of Medicine
Sharing Didactics of Modern Education:
EDU’s recent participation in education-related conferences The month of October came with multiple participations from various team members of EDU in different conferences, all relating
Aims of the EDU Curriculum: Responding to Patient Needs
Today, health care workers are not just expected to be medical experts. In order to respond to patients sensibly and perform required tasks in a clinical environment, they also have
A medical programme with students at its forefront
As a growing medical education institution, EDU’s goals are strongly aligned with having our students at the forefront. Which is why our offer allows students to start studying earlier than
Introduction to Self-Regulated Learning
SRL is key in learning effectively. Students analyse the task requirements, set productive goals, and work out the best ways to achieve those goals
EDU’s medical programme and its future prospects – Interview with Dean Prof. Buhre
With the COVID-19 pandemic slowly showing signs of coming to an end, the world is being asked once again to return to normal. But normality
Rising to the Challenge: Health Care Leadership and Management
EDU hosted a widely successful first public lecture this past June 24, in what was a completely open, online, and free to the public event.