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AHPGS accredits EDU’s Bachelor and Master of Medicine
Last week, EDU received the official international programme accreditations by the German Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences (AHPGS) for our Bachelor of Medicine
Research on public health policies with regards to tobacco-reduction initiatives by EDU Tutor
Dr. Jose Pantaleon Hernández, EDU Tutor and thesis supervisor who works at EDU since 2020, published a new article–the fourth since he is with EDU–this
Maastricht University Review Report of EDU’s Medical Programme Confirms Quality
Maastricht University and its School of Health Professions Education (SHE) recently published their annual review report on EDU’s Bachelor of Medicine programme, confirming high quality
Research providing Health Management Insights by EDU Tutor
Tutors are a pillar of EDU’s didactic model. Not only do they provide support to students throughout their studies in the form of assignments, feedback
Through an EDU expert’s lenses: reshaping medical education
There’s nothing quite as effective in the world of education as learning from, with and amongst experts in their respective fields. Thus, EDU has developed
Marienhaus starts scholarship for medical studies at EDU
To promote the next generation of doctors in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, the clinics of Marienhaus-Gruppe will start offering scholarships to medical students
Could EDU’s innovative model help relieve burdened healthcare systems?
EDU was recently featured in major news source BBC, specifically in a BBC Radio 4 programme titled The Backlog. In this series, The Economist’s Health